Be aware at the way of practicing the detachment. ... cause you might kill that innocent side of the souls ... … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru

She looks at him ... saying ...

"I don't push anything, I'm really calm in this regard, I really let go of the grievances that I had, I realized the mistakes and don't repeat them, and I like that you don't blame me every day, the only thing that worries me is that you pulled away. Again, a vicious circle, when you are not detached, you blame me all the time, but you show feelings and are not indifferent to me. When you're distant, you don't blame me, you don't try to fix me, but you're also closed and don't show feeling for me, and it hurts me"

But ... somehow it was all too late.

He already lost ... all his patience with her.

Into the beginning ... he illusory believed that ... she is exactly what he really wanted.

Then ... knowing her better ... he again ... illusory believed that ... all will be ok ... if he will succeed to "fix" few of the

elements defining her personality.

But ... the passing of time ... just showed that ... all was useless.

He could not change her.

He could not ... fix her.

He could actually ... just accept her as she was ... practicing the detachment in its absolute form.

But ... she didn't like it.

She didn't wanted a man ... detached of the love story.

So .... all became a balance between ... what they wanted ... and what ... they really didn't want.

Fortunately ... or unfortunately ... they loved each other too much.

... much too much.

And ... it was difficult to live together ... but also too difficult to think that they will not be together.

Being ruined ... emotionally.


... nothing being improved.

All continuing ... as a torture.

I was looking at them ... smiling ... and somehow realising that ... not even into this type of relationship ... a lot related with love ... we can't really open our souls ... and clearly state what we want.

... what we expect.

What we dreamed about ... by a long time from that illusory ideal partner ...

So ... It is all about expressing ... "What do you want?!l"

But ... we just can't do it ...

Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

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