It’s a new day … and we can take the decision to disconnect from anything

Let’s assume it’s been a while when you had in your life a person that somehow … you liked a lot.

And everything was … just great.

Unfortunately …. the dynamic of the relationship was not what you really expected … so … all ended up as something that is daily sending you … real ugly vibes.

Being idiots …. not really understanding what it means the dance of energies beyond the scene of our lives … even if everything was metamorphosed from something positive to something that is ruining us emotionally … we don’t even think for a second to disconnect from that person.

Life continues … and everyday we live an ugly scenario that is just destroying … our lives.

We endure … everything.

Many times … we don’t even say a word about it … not realizing we could just stop this domination of ugly vibes.

One day … waking up …. we could simple take the decision to smile again … and break the connection … with that person that dominating us in such a terrible way … is just destroying us … little by little … day by day.

We could become smarter … and wiser …

And be more determined.

Analyzing … defining … and realizing everything could be redefined … just by taking the decision to stop being dominated … is probably the best scenario we could have in mind.

But … we still wait ….

Yesterday was an unhappy day.

One week ago … the same.

One month ago … also.

And this ugly scenario is being repeated on and on and on …. only and only because we don’t realize that the same way we allowed to connect to certain people … in the same way we could just take the decision to stop … everything … if it all became a story which we dislike.

Download the book ”Dominating and being dominated ... a way of wasting our lives – philosophical essayswritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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