What could a “bedroom town” mean?! ... what about “the house where i use to sleep”?! … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

I had a political discussion with a guy ... involved in the local politics from my area.

The guy looks like a real gentleman, but in fact is a thief that was arrested few times in the past.

He looks like a philosopher of the modern political theory ... but in the end ... trying to hide the conflict we had ... we both became polite and started to discuss different common subjects.

This is how i heard for the first time the expression ... “bedroom town”.

It almost looked like a non sense, but this is how he defined our place.

People were working in the capital and only sleeping in our town ... so this was the reason the guy was calling like this the place.

But suddenly i remembered that i used to say about my house that is .... “the house where i use to sleep”.

So?! What was behind those definitions?!

What was the real message of what the guy was saying ... but also my sayings?!

Well ... most probably ... the house ... your house ... should be as a temple.

A place ... not where you only sleep, but a place where you disconnect from the world ... and allows you to stay relaxed ... mainly in your energy field.


Home ... must be like a magic place.

Could be a tiny house, or a palace ... but must have a magic vibe ... that you feel when you are there.

In the real world i build houses and rent them ... so i am kind of a businessman.

I pay attention to all the details ... but in the last years i mostly pay attention to the vibe of the area and of the house.

It’s important ... to have beautiful feelings being in there ... while cooking, relaxing, taking a bath, meditating, sleeping etc etc ... doing only things related to you.

So ... i believe that if you see the area where you live, or the house where you stay ... just as a place where you sleep ... i think is too much and you are not in a good position.

People are a little bit different than animals.

We need special vibrational places only for us ... places where we can recharge our batteries ... so that when we go again into the world, to be ready to show them our beautiful side.

There are already too many showing us their dark side ... so ...







Download the book ”Behind the abstract ... there is always a messagewritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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